Sunday, November 28, 2010

The 411 on the Canty family

Ma & Pa or Grammy and Papa depending on who you are, are well and as good as ever. Dad continues to be a workaholic trying to fix the world. Mom is just as crazy as day trying to keep everyone happy and Whitney supplied with money.

The Haslett's are doing well. Shae is still enlightening the young minds at Centauri. Drew continues to be a mechanical genious. Ashtyn, at only 7 years has become wise beyond her years as she attends 2nd grade. Jace has yet to attend school, but enjoys his time playing with hot rods and computer games. Sydney is as wild as ever. She is starting to talk and blossom with the cutest, spunk attitude anyone could ever have.

The Canty's are as crazy as possible! Ryan no longer drives the roads, but has retired to an office.... and a little pudgier belly. Andy spends her time decorating and fixing their new house and of course finding the cheapest of deals on the coolest new items. Hadlee is no longer a wild mustang, but a tamed Kindergarten student. Travis gets to spend his days being the man of the house, helping his mom fix things up. He has become the King of all Gadgets. Baby ??? is on its way. We can't wait to see him/her!!! Congrats on the new addition!!

The McCarroll's now live in Grand Junction. Kevin is going to lineman school and working at Neenan. Kristin luckily gets to be a stay at home Mom to Joselyn and Macey. Little Miss Attitude, Joselyn, continues to entertain us with her wild ideas and loving attitude. Every day Macey gets more and more of an attitude. She has started to talk and is quite the character. Congratulations to the McCarroll's on the new addition!! Baby ?? is growing everyday!!

The Cantys finally have a home. Mitch is working with Dad for Valley Electric. He loves being able to spend all day with his wise old father. Jerree is going to school at ASC working on her degree. They are happy to finally be able to be in their house, especially after all of the improvements made and Jerree's fine decorating!

Lonely Whitney is finally a senior and soon off to college. Mom and Dad long anticipate the time of having their nursing home all to themself. For Whitney, another basketball season has begun and off to another bright year. Hopefully ending with a gold ball. :)