Friday, August 21, 2009

Random Pics. of Grandkidz!

Canty Grandkids!
(top to bottom... left to right)
Joselyn, Hadlee, And Ashtyn holding Sydney
Travis and Jace holding Macey
(Ryan's Arm)

Travis playin' dress up in Hadlee's swimming suit.

Hadlee gettin' ready for WiNtEr just a lil' early!

Travis, Andy, and Hadlee (lookin' down) on the marry-go-round!

Ashtyn, Jace, Grandma Sue, and Sydney.

Lil' Macey taken a nap!

Jace Jace on the fun, green ride!!

Joselyn cheesin' it out!


Joselyn and Kristin lookin' good for the camera!

Smart Hadlee w/ her glasses!

Sydney and Macey hangin' out!