Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

Friday until Sunday we spent at the cabin. All of us enjoyed our luxurious mountain home. Dad got the solar working. Kevin, Mom, and Kristin get major cleaning work done. Mom and Kristin cleaned up the piles outside that didn't get done the week before. Kevin cleaned the garage. Mitch worked on some wire stuff. I really don't know what he did if he did anything lol. Jerree and I watched the kids. :-) Saturday Keith and Shalayne showed up and then Bob and Terrie did too. We had a big party. That night, we all went to Chama to watch the AWESOME fireworks. Thankfully we were not disappointed. Joselyn couldn't make up her mind as to whether she liked them or not. She went in five minute sperts of liking it and then the next five minutes she would hate them.. this happened throughout the show. All in all, we had a really good time. It is nice being able to get away from all the worries in the world and just relax. Hey we even get to take a shower with hot water even!! Thanks DAD!!